20世紀芬蘭情慾革命藝術家湯姆,揮灑畫筆勾勒出一幅又一幅的同誌文化,透過藝術畫作捍衛忠於自我的權利,是位絕代北歐傳奇人物。任何芬蘭湯姆粉絲都能一眼認出屬於他筆下所賦予他角色的巨屌!搭上這班情欲列車,告訴我,出自芬蘭湯姆原作的巨屌能佔據 你/妳 身體多少部份❤
你/妳 一定會愛上這滑入滑出的極度快感!設計吸盤底座讓你與大男孩玩盡點子!
尺寸:全長約28cm 最大徑約5cm 可深入長約21cm
生產商:XR Brands.
備註:內附Tom of Finland收藏卡x1張
《Tom of Finland Pekkas Cock》
Any fan of Tom of Finland artwork will instantly recognize the enormous cocks he endows his characters with. Take a ride on Pekkas enormous erection, hand sculpted from original Tom of Finland artwork. Find out how much of this 11 inch dong you can take up your ass! Suction down the base to any smooth, hard surface or use your hands to thrust this big boy into you. You will love the feel of the realistic texture sliding in and out! This pleasure tool is phthalate-free and cleans easy with mild soap and warm water.